Den som venter...
Vel, det begynner å bli ei stund sidan eg lovte å spela inn ein video.
Eg klarar faktisk å snakka i fem minutt, så berre spol om dykk vil det! Synging på 5, blank...
like teen spirit i hvilken versjon du vil! Jeg har alltid hatt lyst til
å like den sangen, men aldri helt klart det, kanskje du klarer å lage
noe bra! :)"
The Vlog, like I promised! I chose Sigrid`s suggestion, I really liked her comment!
I`m just talking about Nirvana, Smells Like Teen Spirit and stuff... Skip to 5:00 to hear the singing!
The talking in the video is roughly this:
Why I picked this song: I really liked Sigrid`s reason for wanting this song covered. She wants to like it! But cant find a version she actually likes. I`m always up for a challenge;) And I understand the feeling..
Nirvana: I think they are a cult-band, they have a great cultural history and impact. And even tho I`m not the most loving fan, I see how their music and freedom has shaped the youth/music/culture we have now. They were themselves to the fullest, the lyrics are painfully honest and brave.
Smells Like Teen Spirit: Is to me a song about longing and wanting to be a part of something, even tho it may be bad for you. And also a fight against norms. I think Kurt Cobain sings it with a raw and raspy voice that fits the banging style of Nirvana. But in order for me to "own" it, it has to be more tender, feminine and vulnerable. To me that makes more sense, and will make the song easier on the ears.
Thanks for watching!
Jeg blir like satt ut hver gang - du har en så fantastisk stemme !:)
SvarSlettSYKT fint! wow. dette burde så utrolig mange flere mennesker få høre!
SvarSlettelsker klangen i stemmen din!
Klem fra Ingrid :)
SlettMaria, Du e fantastisk flinke! eg får frysninger, og nyte å hørra på! Eg har aldri hørt original versjonen, men eg e sikker på at din versjon e mye bedre uansett! Sats på musikken!!! eg ska kjøba kver cd, og spela de heila tiå, og fortella alle at eg kjenne deg!
SvarSlettSV: løgne folk så kommentere..haha. konge at den eine takte for at eg delte, d va jo voldsomt å dela at eg holde på å planlegga europa-undervisning.
iiip, vedens beste Katrine <3
SlettSå utrolig morsomt at du valgte mitt forslag, og jeg trodde rett.. jeg liker denne versjonen ca. 500 ganger bedre enn originalen! Så tusen hjertelig takk! Og du er forresten fantastisk søt, sånn i ekte person (kan kanskje diskuteres hvor ekte man er når man snakker til et kamera, men dog) :D
SvarSlettÅh, takk for det:) Rødme rødme;) hehe eg prøvde å vera så naturleg som mulig, men det beli fortsatt litt rart:p
SlettFLINKIS!! :-D
SvarSlettI love this. You've replaced all the angst with this very deep sense of melancholy- which oddly seems to capture a similar mood even though it's so unique from the original. Your voice is so lovely!
SvarSlettGrowing up, I didn't really get the grunge movement or Nirvana (they felt inescapable for awhile). But now that I live in Seattle and know so many people with a personal attachment to the band, their affection has worn off on me. :)
Yay! then I managed to do what I wanted to do;) I was a little afraid that I would ruin the "mood" of the song, but Im glad to hear that you liked it:D
SlettI totally feel the same way, people around me has always loved Nirvana more than I have myself. But I can clearly see the influence they have had on me anyway.