5 Things I really really like
I prefer to wear glasses. Contacts irritates my eyes. And also glasses looks cool. I think everybody looks more though with glasses. Unless they are pink. But thats cool too.
I love tattoos, it fascinates me that it is ink inside skin. And it stays in place and looks all nice and stuff. Yeah. Im quite easy to entertain..
My family's cats, big cats, stray cats and wild cats. I just love them. One of my cats, Tussi has started to kiss me on the nose lately. I dont even know why, she is almost ten years old, and starts to do this new thing just all of a sudden. But it melts my heart <3
Science fiction:
Ive just started to watch an old Sci-fi series called defying gravity, and it just reminds me of how much I love space and adventures amongst the stars. Sigh, I wish I had the guts to become an astronaut.. haha. nah not really.
weird people :
I love weird people. If they act strange, or dress "un normal" or have anything different about them, they instantly have my attention and admiration. I just love people who stand out from a crowd, no matter how!
I prefer to wear glasses. Contacts irritates my eyes. And also glasses looks cool. I think everybody looks more though with glasses. Unless they are pink. But thats cool too.
I love tattoos, it fascinates me that it is ink inside skin. And it stays in place and looks all nice and stuff. Yeah. Im quite easy to entertain..
My family's cats, big cats, stray cats and wild cats. I just love them. One of my cats, Tussi has started to kiss me on the nose lately. I dont even know why, she is almost ten years old, and starts to do this new thing just all of a sudden. But it melts my heart <3
Science fiction:
Ive just started to watch an old Sci-fi series called defying gravity, and it just reminds me of how much I love space and adventures amongst the stars. Sigh, I wish I had the guts to become an astronaut.. haha. nah not really.
weird people :
I love weird people. If they act strange, or dress "un normal" or have anything different about them, they instantly have my attention and admiration. I just love people who stand out from a crowd, no matter how!
Så fin post :) :)
SvarSlett:) takk for det, fine
SlettEnig, "rare" mennesker er flott! De gir hverdagen mer mening - de har skjønt det.
SvarSlett- Trær, jeg er fasinert av alle slags trær. Trær som kveiler seg langs bakken, trær som står rake i ryggen, trær som gjemmer seg bak bladeslør, trær som vokser gjennom asfalt, ja, alle slags trær. De er så inspirerende og flotte. Uansett vær fortsetter de å vokse. Hver vår kommer de med nytt liv. Og ikke for å glemme de dype røttene som støtter og nærer gjennom all motgang.
- Kaffe, det jeg liker best med kaffe er å sitte på kafé og observere alle menneskene, gjerne sammen med en person som ser skjønnheten ved bare å sitte stille sammen uten å måtte prate.
- Fugler, trenger jeg si mer? De er vakre, synger fint, er frie.
- Skattejakt, om det så er på bestefars loft, loppemarked, ute i det fri, eller menneske skattejakt. Det er så fint og koselig.
- MANGO - my BIG obsession this last year, jeg spiser det gjerne til frokost, lunsj og middag :) nam.
eg er hekta på tørka mango! Det er kjempegod erstattning av snop:)
SlettFin liste! Takk for at du delte meg meg<3
Ja, tattoveringer ER fascinerende!!! Katter har jeg vært rett sida jeg var lita, selv om det nesten har gått over. Sære folk digger jeg; respekt!
SvarSlett"I love weird people. If they act strange, or dress "un normal" or have anything different about them, they instantly have my attention and admiration. I just love people who stand out from a crowd, no matter how!"
Ble faktisk litt rørt æ, takk! :)
versågo! hehe, eg meine det! DEt e kjempetøft, you got my respect
SlettFint innlegg.:) Fine ting du liker!
SvarSletttakk snille Nina!
SvarSlettSv: Tusen takk! Det betyr veldig mye for meg at du sier det :)
SvarSlettsko berre mangle! :D
SlettFem ting jeg liker godt for øyeblikket er galaksemønster (på klær, sko osv.), lilla og rød hårfarger, hunder, jordbær & vaniljeis og min kjære Peugot 307 :-)