Hollow talk
I will write to you like an old friend. A friend who knows the triviality of things. Who knows the people I see, and the food I eat. But what this friend really really wants to know. What you really want to know, is the depths of things. The words behind the words. The thought behind the smile. And the emotion that lays behind it all.
That is why I write to you. And you will feel like this old friend at times. Other days you will feel like you`re watching the friendship from afar, thinking how it would be to know someone that deeply, that honest. And then you will find a longing, just like mine. For purpose.
And in that moment we find each other.
Ordene, følelsene, fargene, treet. Vakkert.
SvarSlettJeg smiler med gjenkjennelse.
Det er ikke så greit. Men jeg tror vi er på vei til å kjenne hverandre, jeg!
SvarSletteg lige den tegningen utrolig godt!!