Project Imperfect!
My fear of making mistakes, fear of what others might think of me, have for a long time made me just not follow through on projects I want to do. Ive let that fear impact my life for too long. Im going to practice imperfectness until I master the art of openness! Do you want to come along for the ride?
Ive always admired those who could share their passions online, openly and fearless. If it is music, poetry or anything else creative. Thinking that I want to share my music, my passion somehow, without beating myself up for not doing it perfectly, is hard. Because when it comes to my music I am a perfectionist, or at least inside my head. Ive made a vision of how I want the end results to be, and when I cant do it I quit, or move on to another project.
The challenge for me is to open up to the world of internet, to other people, and to think that I can make something beautiful without it being perfect. I can put imperfect things out on the internet, I dont have to put on makeup or tidy up my filming space to make something beautiful. I dont have to do a thousand takes, sing every note just as I planned! I just need to make a piece of my authentic heart show up. And Im ready to start!
I will make blog/vlog posts about things like this in my project! Please share your thoughts on imperfectness- and the fear of messing things up!
Ive always admired those who could share their passions online, openly and fearless. If it is music, poetry or anything else creative. Thinking that I want to share my music, my passion somehow, without beating myself up for not doing it perfectly, is hard. Because when it comes to my music I am a perfectionist, or at least inside my head. Ive made a vision of how I want the end results to be, and when I cant do it I quit, or move on to another project.
The challenge for me is to open up to the world of internet, to other people, and to think that I can make something beautiful without it being perfect. I can put imperfect things out on the internet, I dont have to put on makeup or tidy up my filming space to make something beautiful. I dont have to do a thousand takes, sing every note just as I planned! I just need to make a piece of my authentic heart show up. And Im ready to start!
I will make blog/vlog posts about things like this in my project! Please share your thoughts on imperfectness- and the fear of messing things up!
I`ll be posting these Midnight Sessions for my Project Imperfect!
The rules for Midnight Sessions:
-Max three takes, then post anyway, no matter the mistakes made
-Do not put on makeup for the video
-Do not tidy the background for the video
-Do not spend too much time on editing.
The rules for Midnight Sessions:
-Max three takes, then post anyway, no matter the mistakes made
-Do not put on makeup for the video
-Do not tidy the background for the video
-Do not spend too much time on editing.
-Do not re-watch it and obsess over all the details that didnt go as planned
(Ps: Sei ifrå om nokon vl ha innlegga på norsk)
Herrlighet, hvor dette innlegget snakker til meg! Jeg har i løpet av året innsett at jeg vil være perfekt til enhver tid, og at jeg har veldig vanskelig for å tolerere at jeg selv ikke er perfekt, selv om jeg aldri hadde forventet at noen andre skulle være det. Dette har gjort at jeg ikke er spesielt glad i kritikk, som er suuuperirriterende, for en person som er nærme perfeksjon; har vel ikke noe problem med å ta imot kritikk? Uansett, JA! JA! JA! til det uperfekte. Og dette var selvfølgelig helt nydelig uansett, bare så det er sant. En skikkelig digg pause i studeringa akkurat da jeg trengte å roe ned. Så takk for at du delte! Gleder meg til mer!
SvarSlett- Sigrid
Takk for ein herlig kommentar Sigrid!! Glad for å kunne vekke opp noko i deg og:) det er noko med den der perfeksjonismen som ikkje er godt for sjela! Sjølv om det er nyttig på andre måtar,så må ein få vera uperfekt óg!
SlettEg støttar deg i di reise i uperfeksjonisme:) :) glad for at du følger med❤️
Så bra prosjekt! Heia heia! Og kjempefin video!